

Career experiences and observations

Should You Take That New Job? 6 Questions to Ask When You Have a Job Decision

By |Categories: Career|

Do you have a hard time saying “No” when new opportunities come up? I’m not talking about a birthday party invitation, I mean those big, hairy job decisions that sometimes rear their heads when you least expect. Example: I was wrapping up a big book launch for a client when, out of the blue, a former [...]

When You Have Someone Else’s Dream Job

By |Categories: Career|

  I knew I had someone else's dream job when I hyperventilated during a presentation. Struggling to gather my breath and embarrassed, I managed to finish my speech without being carted away in a stretcher. Something changed in me that day. I felt like a failure at my latest job. I tried to make it work [...]

How to Rescue a Struggling Project

By |Categories: Career, Project Management|Tags: , , |

When we're faced with a struggling project at work, we look for root cause, and then determine ways to improve. The same principles can apply to the projects we tackle in our personal lives. Learn 6 ideas for rescuing a struggling project.

Growth Mindset: How to Thrive When Faced with Setbacks and Challenges

By |Categories: Career, Productivity|Tags: , , , |

Struggling with setbacks and challenges? A shift in thinking called growth mindset can help you overcome, and even thrive in tough situations.

27 Things I Learned from a Layoff

By |Categories: Career|Tags: , , , , |

In early 2015, my company eliminated my job along with another 3 dozen or so of my colleagues. I had worked there for 15 years, and it came as a shock. Here are 27 things I learned from a layoff.