Thoughts on being an author and the craft of writing.
Layered Editing: How To Edit A Novel
Do you struggle with editing? Me too. Editing was my frenemy until I learned about layered editing from Rachael Herron. Read on for my lessons learned. Recently I found myself deep in editing for the second novel in a sci-fi trilogy. In May 2018, I attended the Sell More Books Show Summit in Chicago where author [...]
Sell More Books Show Summit 2018 Roundup
Do you want to sell more books, write faster, and make a living as an author? The Sell More Books Show Summit held in Chicago May 4 - 6, 2018 was the place to be for indie authors who want to level up their careers. The event, hosted by Bryan Cohen & Jim Kukral of the Sell [...]
Book Review: Become a Successful Indie Author
“Nothing sells the last book like the next book.” - Craig Martelle Want to become a successful indie author? Find out how in Craig Martelle's book: Become a Successful Indie Author: Work Toward Your Writing Dream Craig Martelle is a fiercely independent author who runs the successful 20Booksto50k author conferences held in various locations including Las [...]
Break Past Your Creative Plateau
Does this sound familiar? You start a new creative project. Let’s say you’re writing your next book. At first, you’re energized, committed. Nothing will stop you! But after a few weeks, you hit a wall. Your routine just isn’t fun anymore. You’ve hit a creative plateau? What do you do? In the beginning, you were excited. [...]
Tackle Writer’s Block: 8-Minute Writing Sprints
Do you ever have rough days where everything that could go wrong…does? Days when it feels like the whole world is pushing back? These days are inevitable and frustrating because often we don't write! Recently, I read The 8-Minute Writing Habit by Monica Leonelle. I highly recommend this book because it’s like an injection of motivation. [...]
The Life-Changing Magic of Goal Setting
When I start working with a new book launch client, the first conversation I have is about goal-setting. This leads to the ultimate question, “How many books do you want to sell?" I learned early on in my project management career that if you don’t define your goals, and spell out exactly what success looks [...]
How Music Helps Your Writing
Looking for inspiration to dig deeper into your characters? Check out this advice from author Susan Winters: Sometimes in the process of telling a tale, it’s easy to lose sight of your characters. Particularly if you’re a task-oriented person like me who wants to keep the story moving. With my last title, Ladies Man, I easily [...]
18 Author Lessons for 2018
18 Author Lessons for a New Year: Living With Intention As you look ahead to a new year, do you take time to celebrate your accomplishments and lessons learned? Taking time to review and reflect on the prior year is an essential exercise for any creative entrepreneur who is looking to take things to the next [...]