

Thoughts on being an author and the craft of writing.

A Non-Boring Way to Achieve Your Writing Goals [Video]

By |Categories: Writing|

Maybe you’ve been struggling with writing and staying creative and productive in 2020. Well, you’re not alone! I have had my struggles, and honestly, just it’s been hard to write anything. Lately, I’ve been trying to get my creative mojo back. I want to talk about incremental goals, which sounds pretty boring. I will try to [...]

How to Keep Writing Under Quarantine

By |Categories: Writing|

People who make art have more emotional resilience. It wasn't just admiring and appreciating art – it was the act of creating art. So sketch, journal, paint— even for only a few minutes a day. Practice until it becomes a daily habit. It will help you in the coming weeks and months.

Just 100 Words

By |Categories: Writing|

Some days it can be so hard to write. We all feel this way from time to time. We get that dreaded feeling of staring at a blank screen and not feeling like we have any good ideas. At times, we feel tapped out or creatively empty. On days like these, it’s hard to push through [...]

The Big Picture

By |Categories: Writing|

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” -Bill Gates. What's ahead for you in the next decade?

7 Ways to Get Past the Saggy Middle of Your Story – Novel writing tips

By |Categories: Writing|

Writing through the "saggy middle" can be difficult. Here are 7 ways to break past your inner critic and write better, faster middles!

Do You Have First Draft Fear of Failure?

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Ever gotten halfway through writing a novel only to freak out? Discover how to break through first draft FOF-- Fear of Failure.

How to Plan Your Novel (Writing A Novel Episode 1)

By |Categories: Writing|

Start Your Novel (or Finish Your Novel) By Setting Awesomely Achievable Goals A project is defined as an individual or collaborative endeavor that is carefully planned and has a beginning and an end. As a professional project manager, I've learned the most successful projects have well-defined goals and a solid definition of success. Every project needs [...]

How To Use Scrivener for Author Marketing

By |Categories: Writing|

Five Writer Hacks – Write More, Faster

By |Categories: Writing|

Get More Writing Done: A 3-Step Plan

By |Categories: Writing|