flame_Write your book

In summer 2015, my job was eliminated suddenly, and I took some time off–what I called my “Layoff Reboot.” It was my first break from the 9-to-5 work life in fifteen years.

In that time, I wrote and self-published three non-fiction books. While I had the luxury of time to pursue my writing during my reboot, I wish that I’d started writing on the side years ago when the idea first occurred to me.

I break down the steps to write a book in Author Unleashed: Simple Strategies to Write Your Book. I’ve laid out a plan to write a book in as little as thirty days, and if you care enough to get excited about writing—you CAN write a book.

Write a Book in 30 Days

Write a Book in 30 Days

Maybe you’ve thought about writing a book someday; here are five reasons why you should write your book.

1528597_10152562232261158_2673356343432327341_n (1)1. Write because you are creative, and a book is your outlet to the world.

If you’re like me, you’ll end up with an experience you didn’t expect—one which may change the way you look at the world.

I always thought, “Sure, I’m creative,” but it wasn’t until I put words on paper that I discovered the rush of creating a story.

Writing a book has helped me realize I’m fueled by learning. I’m at my best when I’m seeking out answers, pushing through to solve problems, and challenging myself creatively. These months have been transformative.

2. Write because you’ll form connections with people who experience your book.

Be authentic in sharing your experience and knowledge, or in entertaining others, and you’ll be amazed how much people engage with your work and through it—you.

As a result of publishing my books, I’ve received comments that my book inspired a new idea, helped find someone a new job after a layoff,  or that it came at just the right time for someone. These have been my proudest moments.

3. Write because you’ll produce meaningful work.

A book is your intellectual property. In the U.S., you own the rights to your book for life, and your family has the rights for 70 years after you die.

Even if you never sell a single copy, your accomplishment is important. In your day job, what’s yours to keep? Imagine having a book you created and to which you own the rights. Can you picture your book on a shelf next to your favorite authors?

4. Write to develop your own knowledge and professional experience.

A book can help position you for success in your field. A book gives you credibility and can help launch your own business as a speaker or coach. If done well, a book can bring you passive side income.

5. Write for the sake of creativity.

You’re creating art. You’re putting a piece of yourself out in the world and nurturing a part of your creative self that many people miss out on.

Why now? You’re reading this because there’s the seed of an idea in your mind. You just need the tiniest flame to get started.

Commit. Write your book. Don’t wait for “someday” to happen. The self-publishing industry is transforming, so get in now.

Create your work of art—your book.

Who’s got the time? I know. We’re all busy. Smart phones are a necessity, but tether us to schedules, commitments, emails, and countless distractions.

That’s where I come in. I immersed myself and spent months learning how to write and self-publish. In Author Unleashed, I break down how to write your book so you can get it done while life goes on around you.

I share the successes and the mistakes I made with my first book, so you can learn from me and do well your first time self-publishing. You’ll still make mistakes, but not the same ones I did.

GO FOR IT. Unleash your author.

For me, becoming an author was life-changing. I love writing so much that now I don’t want to stop. You won’t either once you commit to becoming an author.