
/Courtney Kenney

About Courtney Kenney

I’m Courtney Kenney, author and book launch consultant. Like you, I’m on the author’s journey. My focus is to improve my craft, learn new marketing techniques, and sell more books as I grow my authorpreneur business. I want to share what I’ve learned to help you become a more productive and prosperous author.

Time Management: Where Your Time is Going and How to Get It Back

By |Categories: Productivity|

"If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it." - Lucille Ball You are careful about time management. You’ve cut 90% of distractions. You don’t check your email until later in the day after you’ve spent time getting important work done. You batch tasks and avoid multitasking. You’re following all the time management rules, [...]

8 Ninja Book Launch Tactics When You’re On a Budget

By |Categories: Self-Publishing|

Let’s face it, launching a book is expensive. Marketing costs for NYT bestselling launch campaigns can run upwards of tens of thousands of dollars. When you’re an indie author who is self-publishing, marketing your book is perpetual. You can't afford to overspend on one book when you have more coming. Consider using these low-cost ninja book [...]

How to Approach Indie Bookstore Owners to Market Your Books

By |Categories: Writing|

Have you considered working with an independent bookstore to market your books? Many indie authors rely solely on online distribution channels such as Amazon and Kobo. But for those of us who dream of seeing our books on store shelves, indie bookstores are an excellent avenue. I attended Book Expo 2017 and heard from a panel of [...]

10 Surprising Takeaways from Book Expo 2017

By |Categories: Writing|

Book Expo (formerly Book Expo America or BEA) is an annual publishing industry trade show that’s been going on for 70 years. The expo is primarily geared toward traditional publishing although in recent years, they've opened up a smaller exhibition area for indie authors. 2017 marked the first year that the show was run by ReedPop—the company [...]

Never Run Out of Writing Ideas

By |Categories: Writing|

We all have days when we struggle to write. We feel blocked or the words don’t flow. Those days are tough, and it’s important to power through and try to write anyway. Here’s how to rescue a bad day. Other days it may feel like we’ve run out of ideas. You know you could write, but [...]